Monday, April 20, 2009

Running the New York Marathon

According to this article I found in New York Magazine, (, its almost borderline-insane to move to New York right now. Yet people are still picking up and moving. Like myself. But why are all of us coming to the city? With all the closed-down stores I walk by, with all the competition in the job market, I am asking myself the same thing. Everyone I meet is asking me why I moved here. My answer is almost always a quick answer that leaves little room for questions, "Just to have the experience." And each time I answer with a smile, I'm wondering, "What is the real reason?"

I heard someone say to a girl, "Lemme ask you something...what are you running from?" And I thought to myself, "Could I be running?" Before I left California, I asked myself this question over and over, because I didn't want that to be the reason I left. And, I keep coming back to it; doubting my motive, again and again.

I've gone back and forth on the career path I am meant to take. I didn't come here for love like so many others. I don't have dreams of Broadway, Juilliard or the runway. Does a passion for fashion translate into a career? And, if it does, how does it?

So am I running? Maybe I am.

I would like to think I’m running toward something and not away from it. I’ve been really trying to focus on work and making a career for myself here. I’ve spent almost every day either walking around or on the internet looking at things. Everything is pointing toward the fashion industry. There are so many more options here for the fashion world and although I doubt my ability all the time, I truly feel like that’s the world I’ll be happy in.

So, I’m at the beginning of my marathon and the New York pavement has been hard on my shoes…but, I’m gonna keep on running…hopefully this path takes me down Fifth Avenue.


  1. YAY AMY! I think that you ran away from a mediocre life here to a fabulous life in NYC! It takes a brave, strong and motivated person to do that and you possess all of those qualities! Everytime I read your blog and picture you walking around with a smile on your face it makes me so happy! I miss you!

  2. signs... this mean you should come back... im just being selfish... because i miss you... dont doubt yourself... you already know why you moved out there... dont come back till you accomplish it... we'll be here waiting for you assuming that you will come back...

  3. Don't look back to the past...only look forward into the're in one of the best places on earth! take advantage of where you're at and always know that you have people there for you wherever you go...shoot for the moon, and if you miss, at least you'll be amongst the stars!
