Monday, March 15, 2010

Homelessness is a Problem and a Half

There are over 32,000 homeless people living in the New York area according to the NYC Dept of Homeless Services. I wonder what percentage of these people are actually homeless…

Half of them sit useless on the sidewalk holding out a tattered old cup hoping for a couple coins; others are dancing and singing on the subways and streets for a few dollars an hour; and a few walk the streets begging for whatever we want to give them.

I find it hard to give; only because I see the same people day after day holding out that cup in the same exact spot. I hear the same songs echoing through the subway walls. And the worst of them all…I get the same reaction every time I offer food instead of money, “No, I’ll just ask someone else.”

And, it’s not just what they say that makes me do a double take, it’s that they say it in a rude way. Are they really that ungrateful or are they just trying to get money for whatever leisure they might enjoy (i.e. crack, cocaine and crap)?

A lady came up to me yesterday when it was pouring rain, she was crying, she was frantic about getting home to “Westchesta,” she was begging for anything. As soon as she said “Westchester,” I knew she was going to turn down food; she just wanted money. Why? There’s no way she’s from Westchester, stuck in the city, and trying to get back home. First of all, it cost $2.25 on the train to get up there. Second, there are no homeless people in Westchester.

I just happened to be going into the Health Food store we were standing right in front of, so I told her,“I’m not going to give you money, but I’m going into this store right now if you want anything.”
“Do they have chicken and biscuits??”
“No, it’s a health food store.”
“Do they have chips?”
“No, but they have protein bars and smoothies and bread and yogurt…”
“It’s ok, I’ll ask someone else.” (tears desist).

All I could say was “Really?!!?” Everyone is a damn actor in this city.

I don’t know what the world is coming to? Not only do I have to ask for a credit report and blood test from every man I meet, but now I have to ask the homeless people for their paperwork from the shelter before giving them money or food.

It’s New York; expect to be lied to, manipulated, used and pissed on before you exit the island.


  1. You know there are people driving Mercedes' to and from their panhandling jobs, right? They do specials on those people from time to time. A real homeless person accepts food.

  2. "It’s New York; expect to be lied to, manipulated, used and pissed on before you exit the island."

    I had once thought that too but realized quickly that if you don't give people the opportunity in the 1st place, you'll only have to listen to about 3 seconds of their bullshit before they go on to the next guy.

    A majority of beggars are really scammers trying to sell you a sob-story to get money. Its their "job." And they're good at it. Just look the other way and keep walking.

  3. It's easy to say "just look the other way and keep on walking." The truth of the matter may just be that 2 out of every 3 of the homeless you meet choose that way of life and are really just after your money. But when it comes down to it, if you are able to help just a few of the legitimate homeless by offering them food or just listening to a story for a few minutes (even if most of it is manufactured), you make such a difference in this persons life, dare I say you make them feel like an actual person.

    Let us not be discouraged because of the fake people we meet in this world. Let us just be grateful that we are in the situation that allows us to offer the food... and not have to beg for it. For any of us who have done volunteer work, we know very well that the volunteer is the one that usually feels grateful, and take the most away from a giving situation.

    We don't need people with chips on their shoulders. What we need is compassionate people to keep doing what they feel is right. So you offer food to 5 people and only 1 accepts. That person is more grateful than you will ever know. Do not be discouraged about NYC homeless... be discouraged that modern day human nature is encouraging you not to help. We are all people... let's continue to act like it. Hats off to you for making the effort.

  4. Wow, thanks for the comments. I guess part of living here is finding my way through the bullshit. Some people may be good at it, others not...but in the end, the fact that I can sleep at night knowing that I tried is all that matters. All little kindness does go a long way. Thanks again for the great comments!
